Commonly Asked Questions about Shores Vacation Rentals

Where do we check in?     
You'll be checking in at the property and will receive a check-in email the day before your arrival, and a text the day of arrival.

When do we check in?
Check in begins at 3 PM Eastern time.

What information do we need for check in?     
Bring a copy of your
 check-in email. It contains information specific to the property such as door codes, internet access, parking information etc.

Can we check in early?    
Early check in may be available but not during Summer season. If you're coming for a Spring or Fall weekend, check with us. We may not know until a couple of days before your arrival. 
Fees vary by property.

What time is check out?     
Check out time is 10 AM sharp Eastern time. The housekeepers will arrive promptly.

What do we need to do for check out?
We make it really simple. Make sure the refrigerator and counters are emptied, your trash is out, your dishes are clean and the property is secured. 

Can we check out late?
 check out may be available except during Summer season. If you're coming for a Spring or Fall weekend, check with us. We may not know until a couple of days before your arrival. Fees vary by property.

How does payment work?    
We will require payment of half of your reservation total at the time of booking on a credit card. If you would rather pay with check we can use the credit card to hold the reservation while you send a check to us. Your final balance is due 45 days before you arrive and we will automatically charge your credit card for this amount unless you make other arrangements with us.

What if we need to cancel?     
What if we need to cancel? We strongly urge you to consider purchasing travel insurance to protect yourself in case something comes up and you can't make it. 

Please call our office immediately if you are unable to vacation with us for any reason. If you have purchased Vacation Rental Insurance, also call Generali or your provider directly to determine if you have a covered cancellation.

Cancellation policy: 60+ days prior to the check-in date: 97% of the rental amount is refunded. Less than 60 days prior to the check-in date: No refund is offered.

There are no refunds for early departures. Refunds will not be provided for inclement weather, inoperable equipment at the rental property, or for any other circumstances beyond the control of Shores Vacation Rentals.

Do we have to rent for a full week?     
Most vacation rentals are booked for weekly rentals during the summer season.  However, we always have some properties that will rent for less than a week. Visit in the spring spring, fall or winter and most homes can be rented for shorter two or three night stays. Enter the dates you're interested in and our website will show you the available vacation rentals, or contact us so we can help find some options for you.

What is provided in my vacation rental?
In the kitchen you will have cookware, bakeware, utensils, dishes, silverware, dish cloths and dish towels plus standard appliances like a toaster, 12-cup coffee maker (with a 100-pack of filters for our non-Keurig homes) and microwave. 

You'll also be provided a starter supply of paper towels which includes one roll on the counter and one roll under the sink. We supply one small bottle of Dawn Dish Soap, along with a 12-count box of Cascade Rinse Aid for cleaning your dishes while you're with us. Additionally, you'll find one box each of small and large waste bags to line the trash bins.

For the outdoor area, you will find that grilling tools and propane are provided. Beyond this, we also store one roll of aluminum wrap and clear plastic wrap in the kitchen, as we know these are essential for keeping your meats grill-ready. Seasonings are also provided in the form of salt and pepper.

As for the restrooms, you will find that we supply three rolls of toilet paper per bathroom in the home. We also include one box of Kleenex tissues, and take the care to ensure that we refill hand soap as needed. 

Your home will have one bath towel & one washcloth per person (based on the maximum occupancy) and each bathroom will have two hand towels. 

For homes that have on-site laundry, we provide a 12-count box of laundry pods along with dryer sheets to ensure your clothes come out of the wash smelling fresh as could be. An iron, ironing board and hairdryer are also provided.  

Please plan on bringing your own beach towels, beach gear, and personal toiletries.